MindfulTRIP 是全世界人访问韩国进行产业视察、研讨会、旅游等的专业inbound旅行社。 2019年有300多名印度医生的大规模MICE活动、2020年以尼泊尔长官为对象的韩国环境研修 活动等多种活动经验。
MindfulTRIP 的Outbound事业是负责韩国人海外旅行的事业,从数年前开始以世界佛 教国家为对象,专门进行佛教巡礼。 从2017年缅甸开始,中国、印度、斯里兰卡等地举 办了大大小小的活动。
韩国国内旅行事业正在进行结合韩国自然和传统文化治愈心灵的冥想旅行。进行寺庙住 宿体验、与韩国自然一起的冥想旅行、唱歌碗冥想、首尔隐藏的名胜冥想旅行、讲解员 旅行等多种多样的活动。
We are a professional travel agency with experience in various events at domestic and abroad.
We have large 35-45-seat buses, including 4-seater cars, 12- to 20-seater minibuses, and operate several
guest houses in downtown Seoul
Our travel agency is conducting professional inbound businesses such as industrial inspections, seminars, and tourism in Korea.
We have experience in various events such as large-scale events of 300 Indian doctors in 2019 and Korean environmental training events for Nepalese ministers and markets in 2020.
Outbound is a professional travel agency that conducts Buddhist pilgrimage to Buddhist countries around the world, starting with the pilgrimage to Myanmar in 2017, and conducts outbound events around the world every year.